Monday, January 30, 2012

Yarn Bombing

     Happy Monday everyone!  Today I'm super excited to share that I finally have spotted Chilliwack first yarn bombing!!!  The pictures you see below are of a sign post right in front of Decades.  I was running some errands in town with 2 of my girls when we spotted this yarn bomb.  Thankfully I had my camera with my and on our way home I made a quick stop to take a few pictures.  Now I can already hear some of you folks saying, 'What in the world is that?'  Well, as they say on , it's adding beauty to the urban landscape, one stitch at a time.  Late last spring was the 2011 International Yarn Bombing day and I had fully intended to participate, but then life happened, we bought a house and moved right at that time, so yarn bombing day was out for me.  And chicken that I am, I haven't dared to do any on my own after that.  That's why I was so thrilled to see some yarn bombing in our town, I am not alone!

     Yarn bombing is also referred to as yarn graffiti, and is done in both knitting and crocheting.  Many people put up their work under cover of darkness, so as to remain anonymous.  In most area's there is a law against graffiti, but because yarn bombing is usually so unique, cheerful, wacky, artsy and just plain fun, most of it get to stay put for quite a while.

Here are a few pictures of other yarn bombings.  The one with flowers on the fence is a favorite of mine.  What a creative way to cheer up a dull walk past a construction zone.

So have a wonderful week, and maybe this post will inspire you to try something zany with some yarn too!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Wednesday

Since it's hotdog sale today at my kids school, and it was my turn to bring cupcakes, I thought I'd share a few pictures of some rather cute cupcake liner I found recently.  These are from Mary Engelbriet, and believe it or not, I got them at Michael's in the $1.50 bins.  I used the 'spark of imagination' liners for the cupcakes I made today, just because I figured it kinda fit with the school theme.  They come in a pkg of 50 so you are getting a really good deal too!

The weather is finally warming up, and as the snow is melting it's nice to see spring was hidding underneath, just waiting for the thaw to happen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Welcome readers!  For those of you who have followed my BumbleDee blog in the past and are wondering why I closed that one down and started a new blog.  The BDD blog was all I wanted it to be when I started blogging several years ago.  It was mainly about the things I crafted, either for gifts or to sell.  But over time as my kids have grown older and and are all in school now, and as my horizons have expanded, and we have moved from country to town (or as I like to say, living on the fence, as we live on the edge of both town and country), I wanted a blog that would be open to more then just a sharing my craft.  With this blog I hope to continue sharing my crafts of course, but also about life out here on the 'fence', whether it be a  favorite shop, a whimsical find, a good read, or perhaps a favorite recipe.